Pavel Vondra's site

Currently Junior
FE Developer at DigitalVision

Based in Prague
Czech republic



My self.

a junior front-end developer.

Felt in love with web development. I love when nice things are functional and helpful. I'm currently working as junior frontend developer in Digital Vision where I learn new things, meet new people and apprehend new pieces of information, till my brain can’t go further.

In the meantime, I’m playing basketball and doing sports. Also, I’m searching for new sneakers, enjoy PS5 from time to me, listen to music, or read Batman comics.

What I can do
Macbook w dark background


Just some of my projects.

Food Mood

Healthy recipes with own account.

Weather App

Weather application, that shows weather and some tourist attractions.

FEM Challenges

Frontend Mentor challenges.


race sims

Little about me. I do like to play basketball, so I can eat more cookies and Oreos, Whatever movie Christopher Nolan makes, it’s a must-see. And if I’m not doing any of the two activities that I’ve mentioned before I am probably channeling my inner Sir Lewis Hamilton on race simulators.